Drums: Simone “Simon” Carminati

Simon Carminati

People say that I’m a bit too verbose when I write, so I will try to be biref. Then everybody will say that I am too brief.

What I like (in no particular order):

  • playing drums;
  • meditate;
  • asking myself questions;
  • seeking for the truth;
  • reading;
  • writing music;
  • walking.

What I dislike (from the most hated thing to the least):

  • having something I dislike;
  • being called “Simon” (I prefer “Simo”);
  • the vacuum cleaner sound;
  • feeling forced to attend a party;
  • replying to e-mails, messages, chatting and texts;
  • being late (and I am often late);
  • talking about me (like now);
  • not being able to express an intuition.

In my search for the Truth I cultivate a strong interest in spirituality, meditation, philosophy, psychology, esotericism, mysteries and the paranormal, but I do not follow any particular route or way of thought: I rather try to find my own personal way to the inner realization.



My favourite movies are: The Matrix, Peaceful Warrior and Cloud Atlas.

My favourite books are: “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” (E. Tolle), “The Lord of the Rings” (J. R. R. Tolkien) and “The Alchemist” (P. Coelho).

I enjoy a lot playing metal music, but I rarely listen to it because I prefer relaxing with classical music or acoustic music.

I always have goals to reach and I’m often projected into the future even if I try as much as possible to focus on the present.

In a few words I’m full of inner conflicts and I try all the tome to achieve a balance between opposites. I don’t know if I’ll ever achieve inner peace: by now the only form of equilibrium I understood is the one about the rhythm, because it’s a perfect alternation between sound and silence… this is maybe why I love playing drums.

You can follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/simonesimoncarminati

2 thoughts on “Drums: Simone “Simon” Carminati

  1. Well, we all love to walk!! I haven’t read a book (at least a novel) in years though. I should try and get back to that. I hate being late to things as well. I always stress whether I’ll make it to a class on time. I wish my intuition was a bit better as well. For example, I didn’t realize Jasmine loved Aladdin for who he was, and not for being a prince MANY YEARS LATER!!! So I can relate.

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